Who We Are

Drawn by a deep inner call, we give ourselves to God by a firm and life-long commitment of celibate chastity, poverty, and obedience. We devote ourselves to:

  • Jesus Christ at our center,
  • deep prayer,
  • Gospel values,
  • a contemplative quest to find God everywhere and reflect Christ to others,
  • regular gatherings for sisterly support in our vocation,
  • participation as lay Catholics in the Church’s life,
  • peace-making and justice-building in personal relationships and in society,
  • supporting ourselves as single persons in our chosen occupations and residences.

Founded by St. Angela Merici in 1535, the Company is a secular institute, a form of consecrated life in the Catholic Church.

Would you like to learn more? Please send us a message here!

The Company of St. Ursula, founded by Angela Merici, began in Quebec, Canada in 1967 under the leadership of Jacqueline Morin (1925-2017).

The Company of St. Ursula began in Toronto in 1978; Marcella Hinz (1927-2014) was an inspiring leader in the foundation of the Company of Toronto.

From the founding inspiration in North America, groups have begun in the USA, the Philippines and Western Canada.

Let them have Jesus Christ for their only treasure, for there also will be love.
– Angela Merici