Secular Institutes
Secular institutes are
In the secular world
“The newest vocation in the Church” was
The Canadian Conference of Secular Institutes:
French –
English –
Centre PRI – Inter-community Religious Presence (French and English)
To proclaim that Gospel-living according to the Beatitudes can be realized in the ordinary circumstances of daily life… To proclaim that He is the center of our lives and the only true meaning of the existence of every person. For this purpose we put the visibility of our humanity at the service of the God who is silent, invisible, hidden.
– Maria Rosa Zamboni, former president of the Italian Conference of Secular Institutes
The kingdom of God is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch of dough was leavened.
– Luke 13:20-21
Every member of a secular institute has “full responsibility for a transforming presence and action within the world, in order to mold it…in a more just and human order and thereby to sanctify it from within.”
– Pope Paul VI